Preparing for your move

As with any house move, it’s important to let family and friends know that you have moved and give them your new address. You may also need to contact:

    • Healthcare providers
    • GP
    • Dentist
    • Optician
    • Service providers
    • Gas or electricity companies
    • Banks
    • Pension providers
    • Water board
    • Australia Post

Packing essential items and bringing personal possessions

We want you to feel as at home as possible in your new surroundings, which is why we recommend you bring personal items such as ornaments, pictures or books to decorate your room. You may also want to bring:

    • Furniture – space permitting, you are welcome to bring small items. Have a chat with the Nurse-in-Charge/Management before you move in to check if it will fit first.
    • Clothing – Some suggestions for what to bring include; day time clothing, night clothes, a dressing gown, slippers, socks or stockings, underwear and a coat or jacket.
    • Electrical items –  For your own safety we will make sure these items are fully tested (if an item is new please provide us with the purchase docket for proof). All of our rooms are heated so there’s no need to worry about bringing heaters.
    • Mobility aids – if you have your own wheelchair/wheelie frames/walking sticks we’re happy for you to bring it with you.  Mobile scooters aren’t always practical to use inside, please speak to the Nurse-in-Charge/Management about mobile scooters.

Make yourself at home

When you first arrive, you’ll meet the Nurse-in-Charge/carer who will give you a guided tour of your new home. They will tell you about meal times and activities and introduce you to some of the other residents and members of our team.

Once you have settled in, the staff will spend time getting to know you and show you how to use the 24-hour call system should you need assistance any time of the day and night.

Our night duty team will have already been told what time you like to go to bed and wake up, so you can relax and take time to get to know your new home.

Our care plan / Our Person First approach to your care

The health and care of our residents is our reason for being; that’s why we put the person first in everything we do. We believe it’s important to embrace the individuality of every resident. In doing this, we work with you and your family to get to know you and to ensure you get the right care and support in a safe and secure environment. This approach is especially important for people living with dementia. Soon after you move in, we put together a personal care plan based on you and your life and we will ask you about things like:

    • Personal routines
    • General likes and dislikes
    • Favourite activities, interests and hobbies
    • How you’d like to be helped by the care team on a day-to-day basis What you like to eat and drink
    • Your sleep pattern

Your privacy

When you move into San Carlo, you won’t lose your right to privacy and dignity. Your confidentiality will be respected in all matters. If there is anything specific please speak to a member of our management team.

1.6 Resident Privacy and Confidentiality