Click to download – Residents & Families Handbook
You are free to choose to be treated by the Doctor of your choice. If your Doctor is unable to continue your care following admission, you are free to choose another Doctor. Alternatively, we’re happy to arrange for a Doctor from the Lalor Clinic to take over your care. The Lalor Clinic Doctors have worked with us at San Carlo for many years and therefore have extensive experience in aged care.
Dentist and Dental Technician
The Clinical Coordinator will confer with families so they may access a dental technician or dentist outside or within our facility when required.
Unfortunately some of these services may not visit regularly and therefore relatives may need to accompany their loved one to the dentist or dental technician.
Allied Health Services
San Carlo provides physiotherapy and massage, podiatry, speech therapy and external continence management at no additional cost. External appointments to the audiologist can be organised with our assistance.
Families are free to request external Allied Health providers of their choice to visit. (Please consult with our Clinical Coordinator and with the resident’s General Practitioner).
Specialist assessments, equipment or supplies that are complimentary to services already provided by San Carlo Homes e.g.: private specialists or special wound care products may incur a cost.
Alternative Therapies
Those interested in Alternative Therapies should discuss this with the Clinical Coordinator and the resident’s doctor. After consultation, we may assist you in procurement of these services.
If you have any queries regarding clinical services, these will be addressed by our Senior Management Team (Clinical Care Manager or Clinical Care Coordinator)
Visiting hairdressers are available to residents and services are paid for individually.
Hostel Kiosk
In the Hostel we have a Kiosk to allow our residents some retail therapy. Small personal items and toiletries may be purchased from our kiosk. Opening times on Tuesdays and Thursdays, times are as advertised.
Labeling clothing
All items must be clearly labelled. Please do not put any unlabeled clothing into the resident’s wardrobe. We ask that clothing be labelled in either the following way:
The Next of Kin/family may privately purchase for the resident sturdy labels and sew these on the garments prior to them being brought into San Carlo. Any clothing brought into San Carlo after the resident’s admission must also be labelled in this way.
San Carlo will supply and label all items of clothing. The cost of these labels is approx. $100 for 200 labels for all new residents and $25 for 50 labels thereafter. Our staff will label clothing for our residents as they are admitted to the Unit. We ask that clothing be handed to the Nurse so she/he may arrange the labeling to be done.
Respite residents can either arrange for families to collect laundry to be taken home and washed (at least weekly) or if they are wanting to have their clothing laundered at San Carlo all clothing must be labelled prior to admission or we can supply and label all clothing. If we are labeling the clothing the cost is $50 for 100 labels or $25 for 50 labels.
As experience has proved that laundry markers do not endure our industrial washing machines (the Ozone we use in the laundry wash removes the ink) we ask that laundry markers are not used to label resident clothing.
Meals for visiting family members
If a meal is required by a family member please give us notice of your requirements prior to 10.30 am on the morning the meal is required. There will be a charge of $6.00 for the meal.
Religious Services
Father Vito holds Mass twice a week and Rosary is conducted daily by our Nuns from the Missionary Sisters of St Anthony of Claret (Claretiane Sisters) who live on the premises.
Residents are free to choose whether or not to attend. Residents who are not Catholic are encouraged to inform us how we can best meet their individual needs and preferences.
Installation of private telephones must be arranged by the resident/family through San Carlo and we will bill the resident/family directly. There is set connection fee of $120 and a monthly fee of $35 irrespective of usage. Residents/Families will need to provide the actual phone. We ask that private phone calls are not conducted through San Carlo’s business line as it prevents its necessary use. In extreme cases it inhibits the communication of an emergency.
Advocacy Services
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC):
- ACQSC website
- For complaints against or concerns regarding an aged care service provider, phone 1800 951 822 (free call)
- Feedback about an aged care service provider by email
- Submit a complaint against an aged care service provider online (Anonymous and confidential options available)
- Enquiries by email to
- Enquiries or complaints by post to:
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
GPO Box 91819
Melbourne, VIC 3000
Older Person’s Advocacy Network (OPAN)
- OPAN website
- Enquiries by phone 1800 700 600 (free call)
- Online enquiries
- General enquiries by post to:
c/o Seniors Rights Service,
L4, 418A Elizabeth St,
Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Elder Rights Advocacy:
- Elder Rights Advocacy Website
- Enquiries by phone 1800 700 600 (free call)
- Enquiries by email to
- Online advocacy or information requests
- Enquiries by post to:
Elder Rights Advocacy,
Suite 4, Level 8, 167 Queen St
Melbourne Vic 3000
Seniors’ Rights Victoria (can help specifically with elder abuse)
- Seniors’ Rights Vic website
- Help relating to elder abuse, as well as general enquiries, by phone 1300 368 821 (free call)
- Enquiries by email to
- Enquiries by post to:
Seniors Rights Victoria
Level 4, 533 Little Lonsdale Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000.